Good morning.
XamCurrencyEditor control displays the data with the symbol $. How do I render the € symbol?
Not enough to change the Format property.
Hello again,
Your Mask should look like this:
Mask="{}{currency:4.2:c} €"
If you want to have the Euro sign after the value of the editor. Please let me know if this is what you are trying to achieve or I misunderstood you.
Looking forward for your reply.
="{}{currency:4.2:c}" Format="#,###0.00 €"
i 25.00€.
when I clik to edit I get: $ 25.00
Tank You Stefan.
I = $15,00
="{}{currency:4.2:c}" Format="#,####.## €"
I = € 15
how can I have: € 15,00?
Fild the table is decimal (18, 6)
Hello Pranzo,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking through it and I suggest you see this forum thread:
which discusses the same issue as yours. Please let me know if you need any further clarifications on this matter.