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XamNetworkNode Connection Visibility

I'm having trouble manipulating the connections in the XamNetworkNode.  I can successfully set up nodes and connections, but I would like to control the visibility of connections similarly to how I control the visibility of nodes.  I have tried manipulating the ConnectionWeightMemberPath in NetworkNodeNodeLayout like I'm currently using ConnectionTargetMemberPath, but I am not seeing any change in the weight of the connection at all.

Is there a way to manipulate the visibility of a connection between nodes?

  • 3255
    Verified Answer

    Hi dmeador,

    XamNetworkNode visualize nodes and connections between them using data provided through the ItemsSource property. You could remove connections from the data and XamNetworkNode will reflect it in the layout.

    You can use ConnectionTargetMemberPath to attach some numerical value to each connection, for example if the network node represents a computer network, the weight could represent the distance between 2 computers.

    You can use the following XamNetworkNode's properties to style nodes' connections:

    • Line - to specify connections' color;
    • LineThickness
    • LineEffect   

    I would recommend submitting a feature request for being able to set connection's visibility here:

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.


    Ivan Kotev

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