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Very poor Performance

Hello Infragistics team!

I created a test application based on your WPF DV Samples Feature Browser for XamDataChart.
The sample is called "Binding Dynamic Data"
I have 4 charts with 2 ScatterLineSeries on each of them. Each Series has 500 points.
But updating these 4 Charts needs nearly 7-8 seconds!
Maybe I developed something wrong?
Is it possible to update 5-10 charts with 3-4 series on the each of them within 1 second?
In our real application it is require to update many Charts in real time (it can be 10 Charts with 4 series on each of them with 300-500 points in each series).
And this data are NOT Added one point by one. We load this Data from a database and we need to show it very fast.
But what about your "Million Data Points, Milisecond Updates" (c) ??

If required, I can send you the source code of my test application.

Thanks a lot!