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Checkboxes - single click toggle, while also allowing multiple cell select for toggling multiple checkboxes


I have a grid with one column filled with checkboxes so that each row can be enabled/disabled for reporting.   I need some help getting a clean interaction.

We want to be able to support both of the following....

1) A user should be able to toggle a single checkbox with a single mouse click in the cell.

2) A user should also be able to select multiple cells so that a click or copy down will affect multiple checkboxes.

I haven't found a way to accommodate both types of interactions cleanly.   Has anyone else solved this?

For our text based cells, we've required a double click to enter edit  so that we can support multiple cell selection - user's aren't happy with that and for checkboxes it's considered unacceptable.   For text  type cells, how can we support entering edit mode if a user starts typing alphanumeric keys?


Another minor item that our user's are tripping up on, but we'll probably just address with education.

 User's keep selecting the filter checkbox thinking that it will either activate/deactivate all the checkboxes, but it does filtering, so completely baffles them.   We don't want to disable filtering for this column as it is useful once people understand the behavior.   Anyone else encountered this?

Thanks for any suggestions!


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