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Some questions on how to serilize XamPivotGrid


I want to serialize XamPivotGrid layout as an XML stream and save it into database. Later on user could load this layout from database and display his pivot grid based on the saved layout. It seems that there is no associated methods for serializing PivotLayout as XML and deserializing the XML to PivotLayout object. I tried to use normal serialization but got some exceptions. Here is what I got. Can you please let me know when this function be added to XamPivotGrid or do you have any suggestions to work around this issue?

Thanks for your help. Our users definitely need this function be implemented in our product.



Case #1: Serialize PivotLayout

XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PivotGridLayout));

Got exception:

{"Infragistics.Controls.Grids.PivotGridLayout cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor."}


Case #2: Serialize XamPivotGrid




serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(XamPivotGrid));

Got Exception:

There was an error reflecting type 'Infragistics.Controls.Grids.XamPivotGrid'.
{"Cannot serialize member 'System.Windows.Input.InputBinding.Command' of type 'System.Windows.Input.ICommand', see inner exception for more details."}
{"Cannot serialize member System.Windows.Input.InputBinding.Command of type System.Windows.Input.ICommand because it is an interface."}





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