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XamMap Performance SymbolElements


Before using XamMap, we used Bing Maps to draw pushpins on top of Bing Maps (Silverlight). We could show ~5000 pushpins while still navigating quite fluently. The pushpins are just jpg files (because they render faster than .xaml pushpins)

Now we also needed, along with the pushpins, shape files. This is technically feasible with XamMap, but when we render the same map with the same pushpins (jpg files), navigating the map becomes practically impossible with 5000 pushpins. 

Is it possible to increase the performance for this? What is the threshold for pushpins to be displayed on the map?

We already add the points by first creating an empty elemencollection

MapElementCollection elementCollection = new MapElementCollection();

adding the elements to this collection and at the end setting 

map.Layers["symbolLayer"].Elements = elementCollection;

Thanks in advance,


  • 3255

    Hi Roel,

    To increase map performance try to decrease the number of elements that are visible and show them when the zoom level is high enough. Please take a look at this sample: The sample is using MapLayer's VisibleFromScale property to adjust the minimum scale at which the layer becomes visible.

    You can also attach to XamMap's WindowRectChanged event and add or remove pushpins when they are needed or redundant.

    There are a couple of properties that can affect map performance. Try setting XamMap's WindowAnimationMode to MapWindowAnimationMode.None and Pushpins's IsClickable and IsSensitive to false.

    Please let me know if this works for you.


    Ivan Kotev

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