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Binding Field Visibility

I have a XamDataPresenter inside a UserControl.  I want the visibility of one of the Fields to change based on the value of a property in the user control.  I can set the visibility of the Field in the code behind, but what I really want to do is bind the Visibility property of the Field to the UserControl property.  For example:

<igDP:Field Name="MyField" Label="My Feild" Visibility="{Binding Path=MyFieldVisibility, ElementName=contentBase, Mode=Default}"/>

"contentBase" is the name of the UserControl.  I use this same code to bind the Visibility property of other controls in the UserControl and it works.  Is it not possible to bind the Visibility property of a Field, or am I missing something?

John Myczek

  • 8576
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    Hi John -
    Since the Field object is not a FrameworkElement or a FrameworkContentElement, the WPF framework does not allow it to be the target of a binding (though it can be the source of a binding).
    Unfortunately you will have to do this binding in code.