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ContentPanes will not be saved with DockManager.SaveLayout

I have a problem trying to save the Layout of my application with the SaveLayout Method of the DockManager. I´m adding the ContentPanes to the DocumentContentHost programatically, so no definitions are made in the xaml code. The Panes which will be added have a Header, Name and SerializationId set. The Xaml File of the ContentPane classes also have the SaveInLayout="True" property set.

Am I missing something i need to do or will the ContentPanes of the DockManager only be saved when they are defined within the xaml code of the MainWindow.xaml?

All my Panes use ContentPane as base class. Inside my classes i´m using a WindowsFormContentHost or a derived XamDataGrid or something like that. So, not very simple controls on every pane.

Here are the code parts of my application which should illustrate my approach.


The DockManager is nested inside: XamRibbonWindow -> RibbonWindowContentHost -> Grid -> XamDockManager

<igDock:XamDockManager Grid.Column="1" x:Name="tpnMainWindowDockManager" ActivePaneChanged="tpnMainWindowDockManager_ActivePaneChanged">
                        <igDock:TabGroupPane x:Name="tpnDocumentcontentHost" TabStripPlacement="Top" AllowDrop="True">


This is the Xaml code from one of my ContentPane classes which uses a WindowsFormsHost in order to display an ActiveX Object.

<DockManager:ContentPane x:Class="TaiPanNet.ChartPane"
        SaveInLayout="True" mc:Ignorable="d" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" d:DesignHeight="155" d:DesignWidth="243" Name="ContentPaneChart" Header="Chart">
    <DockPanel Name="dockPanel1" >
        <WindowsFormsHost HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Name="wfhOCXChart" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" />


The serializationId, header and name will be set when an instance of the class is created. Here the  code sample of saving the Layout:

        private void TPNMainWindow_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var fs = new FileStream("Layout.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;


And here is the way i add the new ContentPane to the DockManager:

        private void btOpenSkyChart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ChartPane cp = new ChartPane(21725258) { Header = "Sky", SerializationId = "test", Name = "Sky"};