I had been using the code snippet below from another post to add a help button to the ribbon
var tabControl = (XamTabControl)Infragistics.Windows.Utilities.GetDescendantFromType(ribbon, typeof(XamTabControl), true); if (tabControl != null){ var btnHelp = new HelpButtonTool(); tabControl.PostTabItemContent = btnHelp;}
This had been working until we changed the Ribbon.Theme property to "Scenic" now the GetDescendantFromType returns null and we have lost the help button.
HI dmurraylaing,
Can you provide a small isolated sample application that replicates this issue?
Sincerely, Matt Developer Support Engineer
I am just following up on this forum thread.
Please let me know if you need further assistance. Sincerely, Mat Developer Support Engineer
Wire up the PreviewKeyDown Event instead of the KeyDown.
The PreviewKeyDown will fire when the enter key is pressed.
Matt Developer Support Engineer
HI, I am just following up on this forum thread. Please let me know if you need further assistance regarding this case.
While trying to reconstruct a sample that reproduces the problem. I discovered a way to work around it. It seems that the timing of when the xamTabControl appears in the visual tree changes when using the "Scenic" theme. I had to defer executing the code until the main window's loaded event at which point the xamTabControl is present.
Can you provide a small isolated sample that replicates this issue.
I am just following up on this thread.
Please let me know if you need further assistance?
Sincerely, Matt, DSE