Hi there,
It is possible to swap the tiles and keep the original size of the layout "spots"? (take an example from xamFeatures demo with explicit layout)
Right now when swapping tiles regardless of choosen order layout many tiles are resizing according
to some internal algorithm to fit the screnn. I am affraid it will make to much confusion for regular user - nah - it sometimes confuses me as well.
I was trying to set the Height and Width on Swapped Event without luck - I was able to set the correct sizes to tiles but layout "spots" sizes where not affected.
There is an example on Codeplex called Aqua (Medical Health CRM) which using older version of the tile panel which behavior I would like to replicate in xamTilesControl.
Example with two tiles A(2x3) and B (1x3):
Original Current Desired
AAA (swapping B->A) AAA BBB
I hadn’t heard back from you and I was wondering if you had further questions.
If so, please feel free to contact me.
Take a look at the same sample, Explicit Tile Layout. Change the Layout Options to any of the Horizontal or Vertical options and then drag and drop the tiles. The layout remains the same; the two swapped tiles swap the width and height values as they swap position.
Let me know if this is what you had in mind or did you need to use the UseExplicitRowColumnOnTile TileLayoutOrder.