1) Is there any way I can display an Icons over an appointment and is it now possible to custom colour to Appointments(Gradient) (One of the user have already asked this, just want to confirm if this is going to be released).
2) Also would like to know if Instead of the Appointment dialog (which comes when you double click the appointment) can I have my own custom form with custom properties.
In general would it be possible to use this component for other type of scheduling and not just appointments.(for example say scheduling of events by different organisation)
Saurabh Dighade
saurabhd13 said: Is there any way I can display an Icons over an appointment and is it now possible to custom colour to Appointments(Gradient) (One of the user have already asked this, just want to confirm if this is going to be released).
Not sure which user request you are referring to but if you want to change the appearance (colors, visuals, etc.) of the activity then you would need to retemplate the appropriate ActivityPresenter derived class - e.g. AppointmentPresenter. You can use the DefaultStyles provided as a starting point.
saurabhd13 said: Also would like to know if Instead of the Appointment dialog (which comes when you double click the appointment) can I have my own custom form with custom properties.
saurabhd13 said: In general would it be possible to use this component for other type of scheduling and not just appointments.(for example say scheduling of events by different organisation)
I'm not really sure what you are asking here. There are 3 types of activities that the product supports intrinsically - Appointment, Task and Journal. I'm not sure what behavioral, property or other differences there are between what you are referring to and those types. If you mean some activity type like meetings that have multiple participants associated with an individual root activity then that is not something currently supported and would need to be submitted as a feature request.
Thanks for the replies Andrew. Sorry for not being clear for 3rd point (Will consult about them later).
For the above two Points you have mention do you have any sample already created.
No I don't have any samples. As I mentioned for the custom AppointmentPresenter template you would copy the DefaultStyles and use that as your starting point for a custom template. I believe there may be some forum posts discussing this as well. With regards to the custom appointment dialog, the help that I linked to is all that is available at this point.