I'm trying to create transparent floating dockable window. But, having difficulting achieving this. Tried Opacity, but no luck.
Here is a snapshot of my code :
// Floating dockable split pane
SplitPane splitFloating = new SplitPane();
XamDockManager.SetInitialLocation(splitFloating, InitialPaneLocation.DockableFloating);
XamDockManager.SetFloatingLocation(splitFloating, new Point(my.XCoordinate, my.YCoordinate));
XamDockManager.SetFloatingSize(splitFloating, new Size(my.Width, my.Height));
TabGroupPane tgpFloating = new TabGroupPane();
ContentPane cpRichText = new ContentPane();
cpRichText.Content = new RichTextBox();
cpRichText.Opacity = 0.0;
tgpFloating.Opacity = 0.0;
splitFloating.Opacity = 0.0;
this.DockManager.Opacity = 0.0;
The floating windows are hosted within a ToolWindow. If you want to make the windows semi-transparent, then you would have to handle the ToolWindowLoaded event. Then you would have to set the UseOsNonClientArea of the e.ToolWindow to false (since you cannot make a WPF window that has non-client area use alphablending - i.e. have transparency). Then you could set the Opacity of the e.ToolWindow.
Kindly help