could u tell me, how to disable the date which is less than current date(Today) in a xamdatetimeeditor.
my xaml code is like this.
<iw:XamDateTimeEditor Width="auto" VerticalContentAlignment="Bottom" MinWidth="100" x:Name="xmcDate" DropDownButtonDisplayMode="Always" IsAlwaysInEditMode="True" Grid.Column="1" DisplayMode="IncludeBoth" Initialized="XmcDateInitialized" />
and also i need to do validation here for checking the date is less than current day or not, in case if the user enter the date manually, so will u tell me the event handler name through which i can handle it, if possible tell me with a sample...
How do I do this in code.
I do not know the dates I need to disable, I will know at runtime, I need to dynamically disable multiple dates at runtime, how do I do this
Did you try to set ValueConstraint?
For example you can add value constraint in xaml
<igEditors:ValueConstraint MinValue={x:Static sys:DateTime.Now}>