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Does the WPF Pivot Grid work in Studio 2008 WPF


 I am trying to use the Pivot Grid in a Visual Studio 2008 WPF Application but some how I cannot get it to work. Anyone can give me a guide line please



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    Suggested Answer

    Hi Ivan,

    Like all NetAdvantage for WPF Data Visualization controls, our pivot grid is a .NET Framework 4 control.  These controls are only supported by Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. 

    I'm afraid it will not work for you in Visual Studio 2008 because Visual Studio 2008 pre-dates the release of .NET Framework 4.  Understand that .NET 4 made a lot of improvements to its Common Language Runtime (CLR), and so Visual Studio 2008 does not support any of its new innovations when designing, compiling, debugging or anything like that.


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