Back in June 2009 rameshnkl posted a question "Is there any possible to move the scrollbar to Left side? (content should be normal)."
Various thigs were suggested, culminating in a reference to this link:
After this the discussion stopped.
I have tried the approach shown in the link and its does not work. (The XamDataGrid gets scrollbars but they don't work and the grid no longer loads all the data (or if it does, it doesn't display it).
Is there a way of moving the scrollbar to the left and having it work properly? Any chance of an example?
I thought this was resolved but I find there isa further problem:
When the scrollbar is on the left, with many data rows in the grid, the scroll handle is too tall, and it only scrolls across the first 60 or so rows of the data. Also the scroll tooltip does not update during scrolling.
I have taken your example and extended the data generator to create 500 rows of data. I also added a checkbox at the top to trigger the "scrollbar on left" style. It starts off with the scrollbar on the right.
Observe: the height of the RH scroll handle, the ability to scroll thru all 500 rows of the data, and the updating of the scroller tooltip.
Now, check the "Scrollbar on Left" CheckBox. Observe: the scrollbar is now on the left, the height of the scroll handle is much greater than on the right, you can only scroll to row 56 or thereabouts, and the scroller tooltip does not update.
The new example is attached. Please let me know if you see the problem.
That seems to solve the problem. I copied the new style to my example app and everything works as expected.
Thanks for your rapid and effective assistance!
Hello ,
I have been investigating this further and finally got it to work by setting the ScrollBars’ names to the suggested ones from the msnd: . I have also attached a sample project ( showing this in action.
Please let me know if you require any further assistance on the matter or verify the thread as answered so it help other users as well.
Petar Monov
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics Bulgaria
Hi Nigel,
I looked through your sample and see what you mean. The thing is that in mine the vertical scrollbar works as it should, unlike the horizontal which is acting as yours. I am going to give this a more thorough search and probably forward it to our developers team for their assessment.
Thanks for your patience. I’ll get back to you shortly.
Regards Petar.
Let's try again. The attached file is a regular zip (no password). It contains a VS2008 solution. The project shows a XamDataGrid, with the suggested styling. The project is linked with the Infragistics 2010v3 libraries.
The Grid is populated with randomly generated data so it contains more rows and columns than can be shown without scrollbars. Both scrollbars are present. The vertical scrollbar is on the left.
The problem is the scrollbars do not scroll the content area.
Interestingly - the tooltip scroll position indicator (I forget the proper name right now) does show as the vertical scrollbar is moved. It doesn't change value, but its does show.
I hope you will be able to diagnose the problem from this, Petar.