It appears that xamDateTimeEditor doesn't have a dropdown calendar for choosing dates - is that correct ? I must admit to being somewhat surprised that it's literally just a dateTime editor, and lacks any DateTimePicker functionality.
Andy Mackie
p.s. I probably should have mentioned: I'm doing an evaluation, and I have Infragistics3.Wpf.v9.1.Express
-- is the xamMonthCalendar control even included in the 9.1.Express ? Or should I have downloaded that other, more complete eval package if I want to use the XamMonthCalendar?
What I want (which I think is the same thing others have asked for):
Given a xamDataGrid with a column of Date or DateTime data, I want to click on one of the date cells, and have a calendar pop-up appear.
What is happening (using eval 9.1): There is no popup. So the date field looks says something like "04/05/2009". I take it that the in-cell control (the control that displays the date formatting, with the fields separated by forward slashes) is xamDateTimeEditor.
I see from the Editors.pdf document that there is a calendar control (xamMonthCalendar) but I can't tell whether that calendar control can be used within a xamDataGrid. The examples in Editors.pdf appear to be adding the xamMonthCalendar directly onto a form, but I want it to pop up when I edit a date cell in a data grid.
Since you mentioned the XamFeatureBrowser, I looked through it. I do not see any examples of pop-up calendar.
Thanks for any help!
How about the datatyoe of the column is string, as in the same column I allow user to type in number, ComboBox or Calender Dropdown according to some condition!!
Yes, you can. The XamDataGrid will generate that by default if you value type is DateTime. You can see examples of that in the XamFeatureBrowser, which is installed together with our products.
I want to using the XamDataTimeEditor in a cell, but I want to use it as a DropDown calendar control? can do it? or any other alternative?