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Loading shape

First excuse my bad English.
I just purchased the Ultimate Suite 2010 vol3, but I have problems loading a shape in xammap. From what I read in forums is a matter of projection coordinates, but can not find how to solve it. I hope you can help me with the code in both VB and in xaml.
I am attaching the files shp, shx, dbf and prj generated by ArcView
  • 3255
    Verified Answer

    Hi guillermodelatorre,

    Your shapefiles use the Transverse Mercator projection and WGS 1984 datum. Try the following XAML code:

     <Maps:XamMap x:Name="xamMap">           
     <Maps:MapNavigationPane igControls:XamDock.Edge="InsideRight" />
        <Maps:ShapeFileReader Uri="ShapeFiles/Tamasopo/TAMASOPO">
          <Maps:CoordinateSystem UnitType="M" FalseEasting="500000.0" FalseNorthing="0.0" >
            <Maps:TransverseMercator EllipsoidType="WGS84"
             ScaleFactor="0.9996" CentralMeridian="-99.0" LatitudeOrigin="0.0"     />


    The result:

    Information about coordinate system and map projection is stored in the *.prj file. You can read more about the different files that make the shapefile here: You can even open *.prj file with notepad. Here is the output of TAMASOPO:


    You can read more about coordinate system and projection from this articles:,


    Ivan Kotev

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