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cellupdated event for the same value...


      I am trying to raise cellupdated event for the same value e.g. if cell contains number 5 and if you edit cell and re enter value 5 its not raising the celll updated event. Can anyone please suggest why is it so and Can I raise the event. Thanks

  • 27093



    I have looked through your description and this is actually the designated behavior for the CellUpdated event. This event is fired specifically to ensure that the value in the cell is new and the DataSource has been or should be updated. The event that is fired on any change within the XamDataGrid is the CellChanged event.


    Hope this helps. Please let me know if you can use any further clarification and if not please mark the thread as answered so it helps other users as well.



    Petar Monov

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics Bulgaria