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CollapseWhenEmpty - collapsing empty column


I have a XamDataGrid, where I would like to hide/collapse a column if all cellvalues in that column is null. I've tried setting the attribute 'CollapseWhenEmpty='True'' but it seems that it has no effect.

Anyone know a good solution to my problem: how to make CollapseWhenEmpty work or any other way to collapse a column?





  • 54937
    Offline posted

    That property only affects views like CardView that support collapsing cells within a card - i.e. in card view it allows a cell of a given record to be collapsed and not occupy space in the layout which could allow the card to be smaller. The grid has no feature where it will force the load of every record, evaluate the value of a given cell and then use that to try and resolve the Visibility. You would have to explictly set the Visibility property of the Field.