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DataRecord cell exists?


Is there a way to check if a cell in a DataRecord exists? I have the following code:

void grid_InitializeRecord(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.InitializeRecordEventArgs e)
            if (e.Record is DataRecord)
                DataRecord dr = (DataRecord)e.Record;
                    dr.Cells["No."].Value = (e.Record.Index + 1).ToString();
                catch (Exception ex) { }


and I want to remove the try/catch and replace it with something like

if (dr.Cells["No."].Exists) { }

Is there any way to do this?

Many thanks


  • 5

    This is a pretty old post, but I've run into the same question. Since catching an exception gets really noisy when debugging with "break when exceptions are thrown" enabled, I wanted to get rid of the possible exception that could be thrown. This appears to do that:

    Shared Function GetDataRecordCell(dataRecord As DataRecord, cellName As StringAs Cell
    	Contract.Requires(dataRecord IsNot Nothing)
    	Contract.Requires(Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cellName))
    	Dim cell = dataRecord.Cells.SingleOrDefault(Function(c) c.Field.Name = cellName)
    	Return cell
    End Function

    And it's used like this:

    Dim statusCell = GetDataRecordCell(dr, "Status")
    If statusCell Is Nothing Then Return Binding.DoNothing
    Dim status As String = statusCell.Value
  • 275

    Anyone from Infragistics can suggest a solution?

    Many thanks
