When I host the XamRibbon on a XamRibbonWindow and set the style to Office2010Blue, the status bar is not honoring the theme and it is looking like a foreign element on the overall layout and theme. I hope to see you will be addressing this issue soon and have the StatusBar looking more like the Office 2010 LOB apps theme.
Another thing is the new Office 2010 app menu, I figured out you included for silverlight, this is also a must have for WPF.
PS: I already know you do not own the toolbar. If you did not mind about creating your own, at least you should have themed the standard one you are relying on; I have seen the same issue about the listbox, it was a good news to see you included your own TreeView on the wpf 2010 vol 3 release.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "match appropriately". As I mentioned Scenic and Office 2010 are two different things. In a Scenic application (i.e. Windows 7 apps like Paint, WordPad, etc. when Aero is enabled), the non-client area is based upon the OS so our Scenic theme styles the elements that represent the non-client area based upon the current OS. In an Office 2010 application, the non-client area (e.g. the caption area, caption buttons, window border, etc.) are based upon the OS.
The original point about the StatusBar not matching Office 2010 when using the Scenic theme was not a bug because the StatusBar is not related to the ribbon in a scenic application (i.e in Windows 7 Paint the statusbar looks like like the statusbar would in Notepad which doesn't use Scenic Ribbon) so it's look would be based upon the default look for the current OS theme. I believe however there was a bug where when using the Office2010Blue theme that the statusbar was not styled such that it matched the statusbar in Office 2010. That has since been addressed.
If you want to use the Scenic theme and have the StatusBar appear different (i.e. not follow the OS based style that a StatusBar would normally do) you may create your own style/templates to control how they appear.
If however you are asking if it is possible to restyle the non-client area to be a fixed look regardless of the OS theme and still use the Scenic theme then that should be possible. You can look at the DefaultStyles and within the Ribbon xaml such as luna.homestead.xaml you will find brushes/styles defined there using keys like the RibbonBrushKeys.ScenicXXX and RibbonWindowContentHost.ScenicXXX.
Is there a way to then use the Scenic theme, but style the non-client area to match appropriately, regardless of the OS settings? (similar to how the Office theme works)
Scenic and Office 2010 are two different things. The Scenic theme for the xamRibbon is akin to the Windows 7 scenic ribbon (as seen in WordPad/Paint in Windows 7) whereby the chrome (i.e. non-client area) is provided based on the OS. So the title bar when running on a classic theme in the OS will look like a classic 3d non-client area. If running with aero glass then the titlebar would be glass. The ribbon just overlaps into that area. Similarly, the look of the statusbar in a Windows 7 app that uses a scenic ribbon is not related to the look of the scenic ribbon but is whatever a status bar looks like in that OS theme and so the statusbar should mimic the look of a status bar in that theme (i.e. what the OS based theme for a status bar is as provided by the WPF framework).
Office (both 2007 & 2010) controls the look of the non-client area and statusbar based on its color scheme regardless of the current os theme (with the exception of glass being used when aero glass was enabled by the os). Our Office 2007 themes did the same mimicing the Office 2007 look which was not affected by the OS theme (again except with regards to the presence of aero glass). Similarly the Office 2010 blue theme added in 10.3 mimics the Office 2010 blue color scheme look and the look of the non-client area and statusbars should be independant of the OS theme. Note I believe there was an issue with the 10.3 release where the statusbar was not affected when using the Office 2010 theme. I believe this should be addressed in the first hotfix.
See image below, it seems that infragisitcs scenic theme is theming the title and status bars arbitrarily from the applied theme and more similar to OS settings, while Office 2010 screenshot (and Infragistics Office 2007 Themes) are more consistent and apply theme styles to the title and status bar sections.
My operating systems is Windows 7 and I am using NetAdvantage for WPF 2010 vol 2.
Can you attach a screen shot of your RibbonWindow and tel me the operating system you are using?
Sincerely, Matt Developer Support Engineer