This may be an elementary question, but is there any way to repsoition this splitter? Presumably, allowing for separate scrolling between the fixed records and the rest? If I have 20 records, and the grid's only big enough to show 5 at a time, once I pin 5 records to the top, I can no longer see the other 15 records. The scroll bar continues to scroll them, but they're off the screen, so I can't see them.
I actually even tried this out in the customer relation app in the IG samples showcase and saw the same problem there. So I'm getting a little nervous that this functionality is not actually possible.
Anyone out there have any ideas about what to do? We'd like to use pinning as an alternative selection mode and it works great, except for this one issue.
The definition of a fixed record is that is doesn't scroll so you need to have enough space in the grid for all fixed records and a scrollable area
Other behavior that might be desireable is multiple row scroll regions. That would be a feature request. Not sure how that would help in your case.
'MattDeveloper Support Engineer
Well that stinks. So basically, fixed records is only useful for a small number of fixed records, which makes it useful for only limited scenarios. I suppose I'll have to build something out by hand or fight to scrap the requirement.
Please submit my request for an enhancement to allow for scrolling within the fixed record area separate from the main record area. It would also be nice to be able to control the size of the fixed record area (either in code or via some sort of splitter on the front end).
I submitted a feature request for this issue.
Sincerely Matt Developer Support Engineer
I am following up on this thread.
If you have further questions regarding this issue, please let me know.
Sincerely, Matt Developer Support Engineer
When we can expect this new feature? currently i am in 11.2 . is it available in this version?