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Xamchart 3d rotation performance

I'm using 2009 vol 2 xamchart barchart.  I'm creating a rotate3d transform that rotates the chart with the mouse.  There are a mere 25 columns and 25 series (i'm plotting pixel intensities in an x,y region).  The chart initializes resonably fast.  The rotate transform is barely acceptable - somewhat choppy.  If I increase the datapoints to say a 35 by 35 region, it takes seconds for the chart to redisplay after the rotate3d transform is changed.  It's unusable.  The chart is the same size, only more datapoints - why would the rotate transform perform worse?  I'm not recomputing anything other than a new transform, and I have also tried enablerefresh = false.  Any idea what might be going on and how to resolve?  Seems like the chart is doing something behind the scenes...

Thanks in advance.