We find when we copy text in grid and paste it in notepad. Grid will add some quotation mark.
The original text:FALSE RULE: RSUMR11 IF: APPWK(SRPTCOL,1) EQ " "
The pasted text:
"FALSE RULE: RSUMR11 IF: APPWK(SRPTCOL,1) EQ "" """Who know how to solve it?
Hi Petar,
I believe your workaround will work, however that will eventually lead us to implementing the copy command on our own. We'll have to handle selected cells/rows/fields instead of just the active cell.
Thank you for helping us on this issue.
I have logged this issue with development under ID: 57478 and they are currently investigating it. I have also created a support ticket for each one of you ( Shengjie - CAS-53621-H2GSGG ; Daniel - CAS-54889-JSX95D ) and lave linked the development work item to it so that you are notified when it is resolved and available for download from our website: https://es.infragistics.com/Membership/Default.aspx?panel=Downloads#Downloads
Please let me know if I can assist you further or verify the thread as answered so it helps other forum users as well.
Petar Monov
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics Bulgaria
Hi guys,
I have been looking into this and have managed to reproduce the issue using the quoted value Daniel suggested. I am going to forward this to our development team. In the meantime you can use this approach to overcome the behavior using the ExecutingCommand and ExecutedCommand events of the XamDataGrid:
private void grid_ExecutingCommand(object sender, ExecutingCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.Command == ApplicationCommands.Cut)
temp = grid.ActiveCell.Value.ToString();
public string temp;
private void grid_ExecutedCommand(object sender, ExecutedCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.Command == ApplicationCommands.Copy)
Please let me know whether this works as well on your side.
Also I have not been able to reproduce the issue with a cell that does not have any quotation marks in it. Please verify if this is the case on your side as well.
Looking forward to your replies.
Do you reproduce the problem I had with daniel_ngn's sample?
I've uploaded a sample project that can demonstrate this issue.
Run the attached project and you'll find the first cell has quotation mark. select the cell and press ctrl+c, paste somewhere else and you'll see the extra quotation mark being added.
Please help having a look, thanks.