I am using XamComboEditor version 10.2.20102.1029, in a Silverlight 4.0 application under MVVM model.
< ig:XamComboEditor Grid Row = "1" Grid Column = "1" Margin ="3" IsEditable = "True" AllowFiltering = "True" AutoComplete = "True" P:System.Windows.controls.ItemsControl.DisplayMemberPath = "Descripcion" ItemsSource = "{Binding Path = UnidadesMedidaIndependiente}" SelectedItem = "{Binding Path = UnidadMedidaIndependiente, Mode = TwoWay, NotifyOnValidationError = true, ValidatesOnExceptions = true}" / >
ViewModel: (implements InotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyDataErrorInfo).
public Proxy.UnidadMedidaEntity UnidadMedidaIndependiente
get {return this.Independiente.UnidadMedida;}
ClearErrorFromProperty ("UnidadMedidaIndependiente");
If (value == null)
AddErrorForProperty ("UnidadMedidaIndependiente")
new ErrorInfo
P:System.Web.TraceContextRecord.IsWarning = false,
ErrorMessage = "you must select a unit of measure"
else if (this.Independiente.UnidadMedida! = value)
this.Independiente.UnidadMedida = value;
OnPropertyChanged ("UnidadMedidaIndependiente");
At start state the "UnidadMedidaIndependiente" property has the value null. If not selection is made and sent to save, it runs the method "base.ValidateEntity ()", which reported that the property is empty and must be marked as erroneous, but XamComboEditor control does not change the border color to red, or displays the ToolTip with the error message.
This same strategy works us with other controls, for example, the TextBox and the standard ComboBox.
Could you help us to identify the cause of this problem?
Thank you.
Jaimir G.
Even I am facing the same issue. Can someone please address the issue and respond from infragistics side quickly ?