I am trying to use a simple DataTable or an XML file (generated by another application) as a FlatDataSource for the xamPivotGrid. This should be easy I assume but I do not manage to have it work.
Using the following code doesn not make it (dt is my DataTable)
FlatDataSource flatDataSource = new FlatDataSource()
ItemsSource = dt.AsEnumerable().ToList()
Measures = XmlaDataSource.GenerateInitialItems("AmountOfSale")*/
I want something very simple to plug any Table to the xamPivotGrid. I cannot define a priori a class to serialize the dataTable (or XML file) so it is not so obivious to create the IEnumerable. Thanks for your help.
To bind a table as a data cource for pivot grid you should do a little extra work. With the help of our little framework for dynamic built of type you can easily to convert your table or xml into class with appropriated properties which can be read from pivotGrid.
The below is a sample how to do that.
this.table - is the instance of your data table
using Infragistics.Olap;
using Infragistics.Olap.FlatData;
private void BuildDataSource()
DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder
DynamicAssemblyName = "MyAssembly",
DynamicTypeName = "Pane"
IList<DynamicTypePropertyInfo> properties = new List<DynamicTypePropertyInfo>();
foreach (DataColumn column in this.table.Columns)
DynamicTypePropertyInfo propertyInfo = new DynamicTypePropertyInfo
PropertyName = column.ColumnName,
PropertyType = column.DataType
Type dynamicType = typeBuilder.GenerateType(properties);
Type listType = typeof(List<>);
Type genericListType = listType.MakeGenericType(dynamicType);
IList list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(genericListType);
foreach (DataRow dataRow in this.table.Rows)
object myDynamicInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(dynamicType);
PropertyInfo propertyVal = dynamicType.GetProperty(column.ColumnName);
if (dataRow[column] != DBNull.Value)
propertyVal.SetValue(myDynamicInstance, dataRow[column], null);
ItemsSource = list,
Cube = DataSourceBase.GenerateInitialCube("Pane"),
// if you know the names of demensions you want to be in rows and columns
// you can define them here
Columns = DataSourceBase.GenerateInitialItems("[Columns]"),
Rows = DataSourceBase.GenerateInitialItems("[Row]"),
Measures = DataSourceBase.GenerateInitialItems("Value")
pivotDataSelector.DataSource = flatDataSource;
pivotGrid.DataSource = flatDataSource;
You can read more about dinamic type creation here.