Hi, I have no idea about to hide the "+" button in the XamDataGrid, and need your help again.
I want to hide the "+" button while a recod in XamDataGrid have no subrecords, is there any way to do it?
Thank you!
The record 2 have no subrecords, but it display the "+" button too. How can I hide it ?
Another, How to hide the triangle on each row? If the is a "+" button, a triangle and a recordfilter, the cell seems like too wide.
Thanks again!
Oh, I think I should retemplate the RecordSelector then.
Thank you for your answer.
I am not sure about which RecordFilter you are refering to. On your screenshot, I am not seeing the filtering feature enabled. Do you have in mind Fixing Records?
If that is so, then you cannot achieve this directly. The Fixing button is inside the RecordSelector's template. What you could do is to retemplate the RecordSelector and remove the black triange from the template and leave the fixing button. The default styles for the Record selector you can find in the DefaultSTyles directory in the Infragistics folder.
Hi, Alex Fidanov.
Thanks for your help again!
I set the RecordSelectorLocation property to None, but he recordfilter cannot shown too.
Is there any way to hide the triangle only?
This is the Record Selector and you can control its visibility either from the RecordSelectorLocation property of the FieldLayoutSettings of its width from the RecordSelectorExtent.
Thanks for your quick answer!
It works fine.
And I want to know the second one.