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How to draw lines and specific data points (with tooltip)?


I have multiple data series that I'd like to show on a chart, ideally I'd like some series as lines and some series as data points only.  But scatter chart type can't be used with line chart type. 

Is there any way to support this?

Also, how do I control the size of data points for scatter chart series?



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  • 7305
    Suggested Answer


    You can combine ScatterChart with ScatterLineChart, but not with LineChart. You mentioned the size of the data points.

    If you are talking about controling the number of the datapoints, then you need to specify Minimum, Maximum and Unit with AutoRange=false on an axis. This will turn off the AutoRange feature of determining the min/max data points based on the data source, and allow you to set it up manually.

    If you are talking about the size of the scatterred points (the dots), then you need to define Markers, and set the MarkerSize property to a double value.

    Regarding the "draw lines and specific data points (with tooltip)" in the title, I am not exactly sure what you are asking. Can you clarify this one for me?


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