I have a question about the LoadCustomization method. Why this method doesn't make visible column that are mentionned as visible in xml customization file but have been hidden using column selector panel of XamDataGrid ?
Has anyone an answer or a workaround to make hidden column visible ?
I tested a new version of the sample with an unbound field. I follow the same steps (except this time I remove the unbound field, instead of one of the bound fields). The unbound field is still being re-displayed when loading the layout....still the expected behavior.
The customization file looks like this in my test:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xamDataPresenter version="10.1.20101.1000" formatVersion="1.5"> <fieldLayouts> <fieldLayout key="Employee" fieldList="UnboundField;String;unbound, EmployeeID;Int32, Salary;Double, Name, OnSite;Boolean, DateOfHire;DateTime, Department;Int32, Site"> <fields> <field name="UnboundField" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" /> <field name="EmployeeID" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" /> <field name="Salary" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" /> <field name="Name" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" /> <field name="OnSite" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" /> <field name="DateOfHire" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" /> <field name="Department" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" /> <field name="Site" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" /> </fields> <recordFilters /> </fieldLayout> </fieldLayouts></xamDataPresenter>
Does your customization file look like this when you test with MY sample? Do you see a different xml structure only with your application, or is it also different with my sample when run on your machine?
I tried to generate customization file with new version and then i try again my test. Result is always the same.
Maybe there is a conflict with default style or something else.
Do you have any suggestion I can test to help me ?
No i cannot reproduce the issue.
But there are few differences between your sample and my app :
Do you think it is possible that these differences could provoc my problem ?
I will try to generate again default customization file with new library and test again.
Attached is the sample I'm testing with. I followed the sequence:
1. run the sample2. Click Save Loyout to save the customization file on the C: drive.3. Remove a column (e.g., Name) from the Field Chooser.4. Click Load Layout to restore the original layout with all columns visible.This works fine in my sample. I tested with NetAdvantage versions v10.1 and v10.2.
Can you reproduce the issue with this sample?
This is not what happens.
I made a save of a default customization where all columns are visible.
One of my file :
<xamDataPresenter version="10.1.20101.1000" formatVersion="1,5"> <fieldLayouts> <fieldLayout key="MeasurePoint" fieldList="Numero;String;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, Libelle;String;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, Type;String;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, CODNAT;String;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, GET;String;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, Tableau;String;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, Date;DateTime;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, NumPoint;String;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, Valeur;String;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, CH;Boolean;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, CS;Boolean;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, PI;Boolean;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath, Tarif;String;unbound;System.Windows.PropertyPath"> <fields> <field name="Numero" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="0" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="Libelle" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="1" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="Type" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="2" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="CODNAT" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="3" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="GET" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="4" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="Tableau" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="5" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="Date" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="6" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="NumPoint" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="7" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="Valeur" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="8" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="CH" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="9" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="CS" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="10" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="PI" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="11" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> <field name="Tarif" cellWidthAuto="true" labelWidthAuto="true" Visibility="Visible" IgnoreFieldVisibilityOverrides="false" row="0" column="12" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" isCollapsedInLayout="false" /> </fields> <recordFilters /> <summaries> <SummaryDefinition SourceFieldName="Numero" StringFormat="Nb de lignes = {0:0}" Calculator="Count" /> </summaries> </fieldLayout> </fieldLayouts></xamDataPresenter>
then User makes his customization and hide some column. Then he clicks on a button that clear his customization by loading this previous default file.
All sort and group are reset but column that was hidden by field chooser remain hidden. User must open field chooser again and make them visible.
Is this behavior normal or is there a bug ? If this is not a bug, what is way to make hidden columns visible ?
thank's for reply,