I have Employee class ….below are the attributes of it.
· ID
· Name
· Address1
· List<ContackNo>
o Definition of ContackNo
§ MobileNo
§ HomeNo
Our requirement is we want to display below thins in Grid with Horizontal orientation.
1. ID
2. Name
3. Contact No Item 1
4. Contact No Item 2
5. Contact No Item 3
6. Etc…
Please check the screen capture which clears the requirement.
We don't want + and - sign to expand items.
Please check the demo application which simulate problem.
As you have defined two layouts in the xaml, you will have hierarchical structure. You can disable it by setting the ExpansionIndicatorDisplayMode property of the FieldLayoutSettings or IsNestedDataDisplayEnabled property of the XamDataGrid. You can show nested value in the parent layout by using unbound fields and setting the BindingPath property to an indexed expression, like this :
We have List<ContackNo> and i want to display every item..Not only 0 items.
for ...If my record have 5 Contack No then there wil be 10 rows...( as each Contack no has Mobile no and Cel lNO )
Plz check the screen capures.
I have also attached example with my first post
Can someone plese help me out..
I tried to do same things from Code Behind
for(i=0 to list.count)
UnboundField newDisplayField = new UnboundField();
newDisplayField.Label = "Number";
but i am not able to set value