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Combine two bindings into one field XamDataPresenter

Can anyone show me the easiest way to combine two strings in an Unbound field that are the result of bindings?  For example, I now have two columns, FirstName and LastName that are bound separately.  I would like to "merge" these into one column, NAME.  I DON'T want to change the code behind and what they are bound to currently.


<igDP:UnboundField Name="FirstName" Label="First Name" BindingPath="FirstName" BindingMode="TwoWay" Width="60"/>







<igDP:UnboundField Name="LastName" Label="LastName" BindingPath="LastNamel" BindingMode="TwoWay" Width="60"/>


I want:

<igDP:UnboundField Name="Name" Label="Name" BindingPath="?????????????" BindingMode="TwoWay" Width="120"/>

Not sure what to do.  Multibinding?  Converter?




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  • 69686


    The quickest way to achieve this would be to apply a converter to this field. Here is some sample code for the field and the converter :


    <igDP:UnboundField Converter="{StaticResource conv}"/>

     public  class  MyConverter  : IValueConverter 
             public  object  Convert(object  value, Type  targetType, object  parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo  culture)
                 DataRecord  dr = parameter as  DataRecord ;
                 if  (dr != null )
                     Person  p = dr.DataItem as  Person ;
                     if  (p != null )
                         return  p.FirstName + "  " +p.LastName;
                 return  Binding .DoNothing;
             public  object  ConvertBack(object  value, Type  targetType, object  parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo  culture)
                 throw  new  NotImplementedException ();


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