how do I set the application menu icon in the scenic ribbon to look like the one in Wordpad or Paint in Windows 7? When I try to create an image which looks like the one in Win7 it is stretched to a smaller size.
Can I set the Stretch property for the application Menu Icon to "None"?
My Image has a size of 28x13.
Hi Pablo,
Unfortunately I was unable to solve this. We had to stick to the Office2K7 look.
Did you figure out how to accomplish this? I am facing the same issue and seems there have not been a feasible answer to this yet.
Hello Dmitry,
Did you reference the resource dictionaries correctly in your application. Please note that they have to be merged so that the styles can apply. Just adding them into your solution will not work. If you still need assistance with this, please attach a project that does reproduce the issue.
Regarding the brushes, you could modify the Scenic brushes provided in the ..._Brushes.xaml file. This way, you would change the color scheme instantly.
Hi Alex,
The sample app looks great! However, when I tried copying the resource dictionaries and using the style in my application, it didn't work... Any ideas?
Also, I'm after a different color scheme (i.e. Office2k7Silver). Is there any easy way of modifying the Scenic theme to support it?
Thanks in advance,Dmitry
I have attached a sample project with the customized styles (in the App.xaml) that adjust the image Stretch and Size properties.