I have a XamDataGrid with multiple field layouts, and I would like to add padding or margin around each child band, so that there is a gap between the last child row and parent row's next sibling (the child row's uncle)
Is that possible?
I tried adding padding to the RecordListControl, but that only appeared around the entire grid,and not around the child bands
This can be achieve by setting the Margin property of the ExpandableFieldRecordPresenter as described here. However, this would work only with the old layout settings (XamDataGrid - ViewSettings - UseNestedPanles=True). If the records are not using nested panels(by default in versions later than 9.2 including) you would have to do this conditionally for the DataRecordPresenter. For example, you can check the NestingDepth and Index properties of the Record and set an Y TranslateTransform on the record presenter.