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Header Placement


I have 2 fieldlayouts in my xamdatagrid.

the first one, I don't want to show its headers at all, and IU accomplished that. The second one, I want Its headers to show only once, at the top of the grid. I have already posted a question about that here, and your solution didn't do the job.

I've tryed this:



="OnTopOnly" HeaderPlacement="OnTopOnly"

but it didn't solved the issue.

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  • 17559

    Hello gadi_vi,


    It has been a while since you made this post and if you still need any support about it I will be glad to help. I reviewed your issue and I believe that if you set LabelLocation to Hidden for the FieldLayout[1] this will remove all headers in the XamDataGrid except of the one on the tp. Please find the attached sample where I set :


    xdg.FieldLayouts[1].Settings.LabelLocation = LabelLocation.Hidden;


    in the Loaded event of the XamDataGrid in order to achieve the desired functionality.


    If you still need any assistance on the matter, please do not hesitate to ask.
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