Hi, we use the XamTilescontrol in our application and we saw strange behaviour with the content of the Tiles. When not all of the tiles are in the visual area scrollbars appear, that is correct, but when we use the scrollbar to view the tiles which are currently not in the view area sometimes the tile shows the wrong content. In that case I mean Tile 6 shows content of tile 1.
I will add a demo application where the problem is reproducible.
How to reproduce the problem :
1. Run the app
2. Resize the window so that you can see just 3 tiles on one row (of the 6 available).
3. Use the horizontal scrollbar that appears to watch the 6th tile and go back to the first.
4. Repeat step 3 until you see content of one tile in more tiles.
We have serious problems with that glitch :).
Thanks in advance,
Thanks for the information.
Hi Dave,
The problem is caused by the fact that by default we recycle containers (in this case the Tiles). Therefore to accomplish what you ar trying to do you need to do one of the following:
Either of these should solve the problem.
I have tested with the original templates of the XamTilesControl and couldn't find such a problem. With your application it is reproducable. What you actually try to achieve in the BindVisuals method. I think that maybe there is the problem causing this incorrect behavior.
Horen Kirazyan