Is there any way i can externally select which group/internal group in the xaml outlookbar is selected. So what is want is to be able to navigate and select a particular group or inner group(say Mail/Favourite/Inbox) without clicking around with mouse. I should be able to set the said item thorugh some binding or command.
I can see what You try to dobut I dont think You can bind Your person directly to Outlookbar groupI think You need a converter
or You could loop throu Your persons in code behind and insert a group for each person
below is the proper markup
GroupsSource="{Binding Path=Targets, ElementName=This, Mode
=OneWay}" SelectedGroup="{Binding Path=SelectedNavigationGroup, ElementName=This, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
Did not get your question can you please explain.
I am doing something like this
Where do You try to bind?
header or content?
How can i do two way binding for the SelectedGroup property of the Xamoutlookbar conttrol ? I have a list of person bound to the Source property with some datatemaplte. Now when i bind SelectedGroup to a property of type Person on my viewmodel the binding breaks giving an error about conversion between OutlookBarGroup and person object. Can you please help me on tjhis one??
Thanks in advance