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Localization of XamDateTimeEditor

I am using the XamDateTimeEditor and running the application on a Simplified Chinese machine.  The problem is when the calendar is presented to the user the month at the top of the calendar, i.e. April, and the label "Today" at the bottom of the calendar are in English.  I have installed the Language Packs for 3.5 and things such as the WPF ApplicationCommands.Copy and ApplicationCommands.Cut are localized.  Is there something I am missing in order to have the month and "Today" label localized?

Thanks for any assistance.

  • 54937
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    In WPF the CultureInfo provided to a Binding is based upon the FrameworkElement.Language property. This defaults to en-US regardless of the OS regional settings. The template for the Today button, the group caption and calendar items is done using bindings with converters which is why it shows up using english settings. You may want to refer to this post for more info and a way to address this.

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