For example,
I am using Content pane with 3 split panes.
Consider the following,
Content Pane - Floating
Split pane 1 - Docked and pinned
Split Pane 2: Floating
Split Pane 3 - Docked but not pinned
If Iam trting to reposition my split pane 2, I am unable to move this beyond my IE location.
But this is not the case in Split Pane 1 & 3. I can able to move the screen beyong my IE and I am unable to get this back again.
Could anybody help me..............
I have attached the screenshot along with this.
If I'm following you correctly you are using a xamDockManager in an xbap. If so it is correct that the floating panes are forced to be kept within the viewable area of the browser. However, we do not control the area in which the xamDockManager itself is set. That is based upon the panels that you are using, properties like the Width/Heights that may be set, etc. Without seeing the xaml for the page I really cannot say what you are seeing.