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Combining xamTabControl with xamOutlookBar or xamRibbon (master detail)


I wish to use either xamOutlook bar or xamRibbon in combination with TabControl. A master detail implementation. Is it possible to hide the actual tabs themselves. Or is there better control to use other than the xamTabControl?

Hope that makes sense. To further explain. I wish to have the behavior of having the detail panels change depending on what the user is trying to do.


  • 9694

    Hello cjacobs11 ,

    Are you thinking of driving the current (selected) tab with an item from the OutlookBar or the Ribbon?

    If so, you could override the control template to hide the tab items. You could also bind the SelectedIndex in a XamTabControl to the ListBox SelectedIndex to drive selection. I've attached a simple WPF VS2008 sample to illustrate how to do this.

    Let me know if you need further assistance.
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