I understand that Infragistics.Excel is being used as part of the functionality to export a xamDataGrid. It seems that this library could be used to export our own content to Excel if we wanted to.
Can anyone comment on:
1 - whether this library is easier to use than scripting Excel directly?
2 - whether there is any documentation around the library?
3 - whether this library contains a number of utilities to help convert WPF styles (ex. formatting of fonts) into Excel equivalents?
Using the ExcelExporter programming model is definitely easier to use than scripting Excel. However, it does not do everything (yet). For example, the exporter exports data not text formatting styles.
Your idea is an excellent one. If you would submit your ideas to product management, we will pay attention!
Feature Requests Form:http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/RequestFeature.aspx
To email Product Management directly:ProductManager@infragistics.com
Documentation for the ExcelExporter is online:
Excel Engine Documentation
Infragistics Excel Assembly Documentation
Thank you!