I have bound XamDataGrid to a hierarchical data source and only want one column header for the root records, all expanded child table's column header is hidden, how can I achieve this? Thanks.
Hello Stefan,
Just add AutoGenerateFieds = false to your sample and you will notice the issue.
My requirement is to bind multi-level tree to the Xamdatagrid. I have nested Observable collection of objects of same class which I need to bind to XamDataGrid.
Previously it was giving me multiple headers for parents child rows with only 2 levels of tree therefore I tried using your solution but it doesn't work if I set AutoGeneraeFields property to false.
Using two field layouts for parent child like below(adding ChildList field in both parent-child layouts) seems to work fine, but in that case second column in my xamgrid is not aligned for Parents-child rows.
<igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayouts> <igDP:FieldLayout Key="GLAccounts"> <igDP:FieldLayout.Settings> <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings SelectionTypeCell="Single" SelectionTypeRecord="Single" LabelLocation="Default" AutoGenerateFields="False" ExpansionIndicatorDisplayMode="CheckOnDisplay" /> </igDP:FieldLayout.Settings> <igDP:FieldLayout.Fields> <igDP:Field Name="ReferenceAndName" Label="GL Accounts" PropertyChanged="Field_PropertyChanged"> <igDP:Field.Settings> <uc:RMFieldSettings CellValuePresenterStyle="{StaticResource cvpSubAccount}" /> </igDP:Field.Settings> </igDP:Field> <igDP:Field Name="GLAccountMappedAccountID" Label="Mapped Accounts" PropertyChanged="Field_PropertyChanged"> <igDP:Field.Settings> <uc:RMFieldSettings AllowEdit="True" EditorStyle="{StaticResource xceMappedAccounts}" EditorType="{x:Type igEditors:XamComboEditor}" /> </igDP:Field.Settings> </igDP:Field> <igDP:Field Name="SubAccountsList" /> </igDP:FieldLayout.Fields> </igDP:FieldLayout><igDP:FieldLayout Key="SubAccounts"> <igDP:FieldLayout.Settings> <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings SelectionTypeCell="Single" SelectionTypeRecord="Single" LabelLocation="Hidden" AutoGenerateFields="False" ExpansionIndicatorDisplayMode="CheckOnDisplay" /> </igDP:FieldLayout.Settings> <igDP:FieldLayout.Fields> <igDP:Field Name="ReferenceAndName" Label="GL Accounts" PropertyChanged="Field_PropertyChanged"> <igDP:Field.Settings> <uc:RMFieldSettings CellValuePresenterStyle="{StaticResource cvpSubAccount}" /> </igDP:Field.Settings> </igDP:Field> <igDP:Field Name="GLAccountMappedAccountID" Label="Mapped Accounts" PropertyChanged="Field_PropertyChanged"> <igDP:Field.Settings> <uc:RMFieldSettings AllowEdit="True" EditorStyle="{StaticResource xceMappedAccounts}" EditorType="{x:Type igEditors:XamComboEditor}" /> </igDP:Field.Settings> </igDP:Field><igDP:Field Name="SubAccountsList" /> </igDP:FieldLayout.Fields> </igDP:FieldLayout>--> </igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayouts>
Can you please tell me why it is not working
Hello Priya,
I have been looking into your post, but it seems like that I am missing something in your scenario, so if this is still an issue for you, could you please send an isolated sample project, where the issue is reproduced, so I can investigate it further for you.
Looking forward for your reply.
Attached solution does not work if I set FieldLayoutSettings' AutoGenerateFields to 'false'.
If I make make AUtogenerate = 'false' then I am unable to generate tree deeper than 2 levels that is only one child is shown for each parent.
Please help. It is urgent.
Hello again,
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I have done so, but I don't need it in 10 years but rather in near future.