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xamCombo Editor - going crazy? - value empty and selectedItem System.Data.DataRowView

I have a number of xamCombos in use. When I bind my data from DB and for a particular field there is a selectedItem in the combo matching all is fine, it gets selected - when I go to save my data back to DB all in fine if I use the cboSomething.Value property except for...(see problem)

When binding data from DB - I do the following:
this.cboConsultant_e.SelectedItem = (int)rdr["Consultant"];
this.cboConsultant_e.Value = (int)rdr["Consultant"];

Problem: If a DB field has a null value for "Consultant" there is no selectedItem initially when loading data, the combo has all its items but nothing selected, desirable behavior. Its when I then select an item from the combo and try to save. The Value is non existant when I try to access it? And im having trouble with selectedItem when trying to access it instead. The error I get is "No Mapping exists from object type System.Data.DataRowView to a know managed provider native type" I understand how the item can be treated as a datarow, but cant figure out best way to access the selectedItem? Doesnt happen if initially on the first load I have a selectedItem for the combo. Please help! Ive stuffed round for a while on this...

if (this.cboConsultant_e.Text != null &&
this.cboConsultant_e.Text.ToString().Length > 0
new SqlParameter("@Consultant", this
new SqlParameter("@Consultant", DBNull

This is the binding to the control in my code behind.






















void BindConsultant()






//Ward - using spGetWardLookUp




SqlConnection connection;




SqlCommand command;



DataSet dtSet = new DataSet();




using (connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))





string sql = "spGetConsultantLookUp";

command =


new SqlCommand(sql, connection);




SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();


adapter.SelectCommand = command;













this.cboConsultant.ItemsProvider.ItemsSource = dtSet.Tables["Cons"].DefaultView;;

this.itp_Consultant.DisplayMemberPath = "DESC";




this.itp_Consultant.ValuePath = "ID";







catch (Exception




















<igEditors:XamComboEditor Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Name="cboConsultant" Margin="0,2.5,4,2.5" Height="20" d:LayoutOverrides="GridBox"












<igEditors:ComboBoxItemsProvider x:Name

="itp_Consultant" />

















  • 305
    Verified Answer





    string value = ((System.Data.DataRowView)mycombo.SelectedItem).Row.ItemArray[0



    This will work