I´m trying to syncrhonize the items in the grid. I have seen the example you posted in
The issue is that when you try to syncrhonize the grid from the view, the ActivatedRecord is fired and then the grid syncrhonizes two times.
I have created a subclass of XamDataGrid. How can I override the events in a method or how can I override the method? Of course how can I return it to the default?
The issue is that I have created a subclass of the XamdataGrid in order to two way synchonize the ActiveRecord with the underlaying views CurrentItem.
It almost works. When I load data to the grid in the Windows_Loaded method it works fine.
There is one case where it doesn´t work. When I load data as a user request. If the windows is already loaded, opened and activated and the data is requested from an user action, then it doesn,t work.
The issue is that I want to cretae an event for the dataview in this way:
// Fileds
Private ICollectionView view;
subclass XamdataGrid()
this.view.ViewCollectionChanged += EventHandler(............................)
It doesn´t work because the view is null even if I got the default view from the DataSource.
Is there anyway to sucribe somewhere an event that keeps track if the DataSource Collection is Cahnged.
Some help will be appreciated!!
Thanks in advance
P.D. Will the new 10.2 Release support Two Way Synchronization for the DataPresenter family.
Maybe more simple request,
What is the proper use of the Synchronizer class??