I have a problem with the OneWay BindingMode using a XamComboEditor : the selected item is updated only the first time I change the source.
If I use the TwoWay mode it's working perfectly (but the source is updated if I change the selected item and that's not what I want).
Here's my code :
<igEditors:XamComboEditor ValuePath="ColonneName" DisplayMemberPath="LibelleSource" ItemsSource="{Binding ColGroupes}" Value="{Binding ParametresEtat/fldString1, Mode=OneWay}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,48,0,0" Width="155" Height="19.555" VerticalAlignment="Top" Name="cbGroupe"> <igEditors:XamComboEditor.ComboBoxStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}"> <Setter Property="IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem" Value="true"/> </Style> </igEditors:XamComboEditor.ComboBoxStyle></igEditors:XamComboEditor>
Please do you have any suggestion ?
I have logged this with development under ID: 100047 and I have also created a support ticket on your behalf: CAS-82553-0XFMPF and have linked the development issue to it, so that you can get automatically updated, when a Service Release containing the fix is available for download. You can get the new version from our website’s “My IG”, “My Keys & Downloads” tags: https://es.infragistics.com/Membership/Default.aspx?panel=Downloads#Downloads
You can also monitor the support ticket’s progress through the “My Support Activity” tag: https://es.infragistics.com/Membership/MySupport.aspx
I have been looking into your sample project and I tested it with .Net framework 3.5 and there both the XamTextEditor and TextBox stoped updating after the I changed their Text through the UI. I can say that this functionality has been added in .Net Framework 4 and this is why now TextBox acts like this and because our controls are built in version 3.5 they have that behavior, so I contacted our Dev team and I will update you as soon as I get reply by them.
Hi Stefan,
The attachment shows a XamComboEditor, a XamTextEditor and a TextBox and how they can (not) work with OneWay-Binding and User-Edits.
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it, but it seem like I am missing something about it, so if this is still an issue for you, could you please send me an isolated sample project, where this is reproduced, so I can investigate it further for you.
Looking forward for your reply.
Hi Andrew,
I just ran into the same Issue as mentioned above. I am surprised, you named it a general WPF problem/feature.
Andrew Smith"] This would happen for any wpf property where the object needs to set the value of its property - e.g. the Text property of a TextBox.
This would happen for any wpf property where the object needs to set the value of its property - e.g. the Text property of a TextBox.
The Textbox.Text-property is working fine with OneWay-Binding and user-edits. I just checked that, before consulting the infragistics-forum. So it seems to me, that this is an infragistics-only issue (at least today - not sure about two years ago).
Anyway, could you give an example on any of the two solutions you suggested. I am a bit troubled on either of them.