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Column "splitters" and row spacing

Hi guys,

I have two questions: 

1) Which property do I set, or what style do I have to customize in order to display vertical splitters between columns in the grid?

2) How do I change the spacing between rows in a grid?

By setting the BorderBrush property for the DataRecordCellArea, I get a border around an entire record. When I do this, the spacing between the records becomes very evident, so it looks a bit strange...

I have tried setting the BorderThickness property for the CellValuePresenter, but this does not provide the desired result because there seems to be some margin or padding applied somewhere making the CellValuePresenter not stretch vertically to the DataRecordCellArea...

Basically, I want my gird to look as much as possible like the Excel grid.



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  • 138253
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    Hello TerjeRugland,

    I am just checking the progress of this issue and was wondering if you managed to achieve your goal or if you need any further assistance on the matter.

    If the above suggestion helped you solve your issue please verify the thread as answered so other users may take better advantage of it.

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