I have an editable comboEditor control on a ribbon. The auto-complete feature is not allowing me to
type in a new name with the same starting alphabets. Say for example, I have 2 values populated in
the comboeditor i.e. abcdef and 123456. Say I type in a new value abc, the autocomplete makes it
abcdef. I delete the def part in order to save the new name as abc but on losing focus from the control
the comboeditor is again making it abcdef.
Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.
I apologize that no one has yet answered this post. We were inundated with more posts than we had resources to cover. Since that time we have been adding people to the task of making sure every post gets a reply from an Infragistics employee.
If you still have this issue, if you would create a small sample project that illustrates the problem and attach it here, I can help you resolve this issue.
Thank you,