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Right align String column in code-behind...newbie question...

I have to right-align several columns thru code-behind in vb.  How can I specify which columns to align and how can I do this? I have been using the fieldlayout settings class, but I think I am missing something.




  • 395
    Suggested Answer

    I have similar code in C# but to center a column value (in code-behind). For a right-alignement I think I could just change the HorizonalAlignment to .Right instead of .Center. Here is a snippet of the code I'm using:

    In event for FieldLayoutInitialized -




    Style centerColumnStyle = new Style(typeof(CellValuePresenter));

    centerColumnStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(CellValuePresenter.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, HorizontalAlignment.Center));




     someColumn = new Field();

    someColumn.Settings.CellValuePresenterStyle = centerColumnStyle;




    Not sure on the VB equivalent but maybe you can convert this readily enough?