Is it possible to plot a time / value series. I want the Unit to refer to the minute section of the date. Is this possible or i have to amend the data ?
Below is the XAML i am using
<igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryX" AutoRange="False" Minimum="{Binding Converter={StaticResource DateConverter1}, ConverterParameter=20/2/08 22:20:00}" Maximum="{Binding Converter={StaticResource DateConverter1}, ConverterParameter=20/2/08 22:30:00}" Unit="1"> <igCA:Axis.MinorTickMark> <igCA:Mark Unit=".2" Stroke="Red"/> </igCA:Axis.MinorTickMark> </igCA:Axis>
My problem is that the chart is not showing the Maximum label on the x-axis it is only showing the minimum label when setting the Unit to the suggested value. Any idea why? Also is there any particular reason why the number of ticks needed to be 60 hours?
The DateConverter1 is using the ToOADate() function of the date.
Minimum="{Binding Converter={StaticResource DateConverter1}, ConverterParameter=05/03/2008 19:03}"
Maximum="{Binding Converter={StaticResource DateConverter1}, ConverterParameter=05/03/2008 19:10}" Unit="2160000000000">
i think i meant to say 600000000. i was thinking backwards and multiplied ticksInOneHour by 60 instead of dividing it.
you're probably missing the last label because the Unit is too large, and there's only room for one interval. does this work correctly when Unit=600000000 ?
I had tried with 600000000 but still no maximum label, everything else seems to be working fine though. Is it possible that label presenter ignores the time portion and therefore see the two values as the same?
ah, i see now ... i missed the part where you were using ToOADate().
to get the unit for this i used this formula:
DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1.0).ToOADate() - DateTime.Now.ToOADate()
and came up with
does that work for you?
that worked. thanks