Hello Infragistics,
I need to prevent my users from editing more than one row 'ahead' of the currently new row.
Here is the process flow:
1) The xamDataGrid is loaded with rows of information
2) Some event happens, and the user is now going to enter a new row
3) I want them to only be able to enter the next row at a time; in other words I want to say okay here is the next available, and you can enter information in any one of those 'new' cells/columns, but you may not edit anything beyond that until the 'current' row is committed.
Is there an easy way to accomplish this?
Thank you in advance for any help
For this requirement, you would have to save somewhere the last record that has been deactivated, so that you know which record you should allow to enter edit mode. Here is one way to achieve this:
Record deactivated=null;