I was wondering if it's possible to disable tab navigation within a data grid and only allow arrow navigation. I have an application that will not have a mouse and currently, a tab within the data grid moves to either the next cell or next record, depending on what is currently active, even if I set the KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation to None.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Joe, that worked. I made a minor modification because I was more interested in ignoring the tab to next record behavior so instead of checking for CellNextByTab, I'm checking for RecordNext. This allows my users to still navigate by arrow keys to RecordBelow or Above but I can intercept the tab to RecordNext and avoid it.
Thanks for the quick response,
Hi Brett,
One way to do this is to listen to the ExecutingCommand event and cancelling it, e.g.
e.Command == DataPresenterCommands.CellPreviousByTab)